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The TLA Network is a supportive community of thoughtful and engaged practitioners, activists, health professionals, educators, artists, change-makers and community leaders dedicated to making the world a better place.

Help us grow, deepen, and expand Transformative Language Arts in the world.

In these times, finding our voice, sharing our words, and pulling people together to effect change through the power of words is essential. With the rise of corporate-controlled media and the increasingly fractured world of social media, it is crucial that our work and our voices find solid ground, that we develop new audiences, and that our words continue to serve as invaluable calls to action and collective transformation.

As a non-profit, the TLA Network relies on memberships, event registrations, and contributions from individuals like you to support our programming. Fill in the form to make a contribution.

“Through my connection to TLA Network, I’ve rediscovered the joy of words and their world-changing power. Participating in TLA Network has revealed new ideas, poured out inspiration, guided my work and renewed my spirit. I constantly see and hear “my people” among the members. As a result, my life is made all the more rich in universal truths and humanity.

– Cheryl Kane

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The Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg Fund

The Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg Fund was established in the fall of 2021 to honor the founder of the transformative language arts and the TLA Network.

The fund provides Power of Words Conference and TLA Network classes support for both BIPOC people and people who are living with serious illness and/or disabilities.

Read Caryn's remarks about the fund at the 2021 Power of Words Conference, here.

The TLA Network exists to support and promote individuals and organizations that use the spoken, written, or sung word as a tool for personal and community transformation.

The Transformative Language Arts Network (TLAN) is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in our offerings, organization, and aspirations. Words have the power to question, subvert, and transform limiting cultural narratives as well as reinforce entrenched stories and stereotypes. The TLA Network wants to make clear that we celebrate and uplift conversations across identity and difference, whether rooted in race, religion, social class, ethnicity, disability, health, gender, sexual orientation, age, military service, and other identities. In the past we have responded to a lack of diversity by actively recruiting underrepresented groups to: present and keynote at the Power of Words conference; serve on the TLAN board; teach classes; and contribute to our publications. We will continue to look at ways to incorporate greater access and representation in all of our projects, not just through the power of words but through the specifics of our practices.

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The Transformative Language Arts Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

1741 Valley Forge Road, #175, Worcester, PA 19490 |

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